Taxi fare calculator

To calculate your fare*, enter your start and destination address.

*Fare information

Fare information (according to Hamburg Fare Rates) are approximate, since traffic diversions can lead to divergences. Rides beyond city boundaries are not subject to tariff rules.

Hamburg Fare Rates

Taxi fares vary depending on when you travel.

Tariff 1

Monday to Friday 15:00 – 10:00 and on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays

  • Initial Charge: EUR 6,00
  • charge per km: 0-9 kms: EUR 2,70
  • over 9 kms: EUR 2,00

Tariff 2

Monday to Friday 10:00 – 15:00 except public holidays

  • Initial Charge: EUR 4,00
  • charge per km: 0-9 kms: EUR 2,60
  • over 9 kms: EUR 1,90

Standby Time & Fixed Price

Standby Time Charge per hour: EUR 38 starting with the second minute idle

Additional Charges

Mini Van (more than 4 passengers): EUR 8,00

(VAT included)

Call a Taxi

For your Hansa Taxi just call +49 40 211 211